Inscribed by the artist on the reverse. Text on the reverse: The male (mal, or evil) that devours (Title open to interpretation, multiple). Here, it’s a matter of conscience, that...
Inscribed by the artist on the reverse. Text on the reverse: The male (mal, or evil) that devours (Title open to interpretation, multiple). Here, it’s a matter of conscience, that is, would you prefer to eat or rather be eaten in that eternal condition of the cannibalism of love. As far as I am concerned, I wouldn’t know what stand to take: it is as pleasant to be nibbled on, as it is, in one’s turn, to bite into the lo/ve which we love. As the title indicates, you can immediately understand the farce of this image. An animal… imaginary, attacks with his powerful jaws all that is left of a woman – her head. We can see flames coming out of her mouth, which here take on all sorts of symbolic meanings. Love which devours and consumes the life that the woman is losing etc. Feeding on evil by devouring it with gusto at the moment of orgasm…